Debate has raged for decades as to whether umbilical cord cutting should take place immediately or be delayed, but it looks like we now have a more definitive answer.


According to new guidelines for medics, for 2017, doctors should wait for at least 30 seconds to one minute after birth before cutting the cord.


The new guidelines, released by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG), were published following a major review of the practice.



The umbilical cord joins the placenta to the foetus during its time in the womb, providing the baby's blood supply.


Research has found that, even in the minutes after the baby's birth, the placenta is still working to produce nutrient-rich blood to nourish the baby.


As a result, experts believe that delaying umbilical cord cutting can have amazing health benefits for a baby – including boosting brain development and decreasing the risk of iron deficiency.



ACOG experts believe that delayed cutting is most beneficial for pre-term babies but also carries a range of benefits for full-term babies.


Is this something that you would consider with your little one?


