From overly strict rules to sending children home alone, parents have been taking schools to task over some pretty alarming issues of late.


The latest report, from the US, is just as concerning, with parents of pupils of a Mississippi elementary school expressing their anger over letters sent home regarding their children's weight.


Young pupils of Hillcrest Elementary School in Belton had their body mass index (BMI) measured in gym class earlier this month, with letters sent home to their parents stating the results. Each parent was told whether their child’s BMI fell above, within or below the considered “healthy” range.


The move has left certain parents fuming, however, as it has prompted questions regarding body image from their little ones.


Concerned parent Amanda Moss told Yahoo Parenting: “Like every child, my daughter went through her folder. She read the letter on the bus, and when she got home she showed it to my husband and said ‘does this mean I’m fat?’”



“Body image is everything to children – how they appear to each other is everything. They are learning at a very young age to be self-conscious,” she added.


Another parent, Heidi Hickam, also criticised school management’s approach to the issue, saying: “They sent it home without it being in an envelope, where it’s exposed so all the kids can get into someone’s backpack and see the biggest kid in the class’s BMI and then maybe tease and bully him about it.”


School management has since addressed the issue, saying that it didn’t mean anything “malicious” by carrying out the tests, adding that it would give advance warning to parents in future.


What are your thoughts?


