If you are hoping to maintain your exercise routine while pregnant or simply want to establish a new one, it's vital you consider a few important points first!

While a desire to keep fit while accommodating a bump is certainly admirable, there are a few issues which must be addressed before you dive in head-first.

The safety and wellbeing of you and your baby comes first, so be sure to keep these points in mind before you lace up your trainers and don your sweatband this week!

1. Seek advice

Whether you were a regular gym bunny before conceiving or not, it's important to seek advice from a healthcare professional.

Assuage any fears you may have by outlining your proposed fitness plan with your GP or nurse before you do yourself or your bump any damage.

2. Avoid dangerous sports

You may have been an extreme sports enthusiast before that second blue line appeared, but that doesn't mean you can continue in that vein while expecting.

It's important to remember that pregnancy releases a hormone which loosens and relaxes joints and ligaments making you more susceptible to sprains and injuries as a result of certain sports.

3. Consume more calories

As we all know, exercise burns calories, and as you are now providing nourishment to another little person, it's vital you fill up in order to properly nurture your unborn child.

It is recommended that you consume an extra 300 calories a day while pregnant if you have a healthy BMI, but it's important to increase that figure if exercising regularly.

4. Do not overdo it

It may go without saying, but whether you're a regular gym bunny or new to exercise, many of us often push ourselves too hard in order to see results.

You need to reconsider this mindset while expecting and listen to your body at all times during your routine.

5. Do not get overheated

This point is especially important in the first trimester of your pregnancy as your infant's organs are still developing.

If you feel too warm, dizzy or nauseous you need to remove some layers, stop exercising and leave the arena you are in.

And remember...

The health of you and your baby is paramount so be sure to take the advice of professionals, listen to your body and take care of yourself during your nine-month journey.


