With back to school looming, now is the time to start getting into the habit of doing your little one’s hair quickly in the morning for when you are really rushing.


We all know just how much of a nightmare hair can be to deal with, particularly when it is extremely knotty and your little one complains when the brush goes anywhere near them. 


However, you can make the morning rush hour a little less hectic with these really easy hairstyles:


1. French twist

This one looks like you put a lot more effort into it than you actually did!

  1. Simply tie your little one’s hair into a ponytail.
  2. Just above the bobbin, make a hole so that you can twist the ponytail through.
  3. Pull tightly and voila!



2. Casual pigtails

This style looks really cute and is a great way to make messy hair really come in to it's own. 

  1. Pull your daughter’s hair into two sections, plaiting each one so they come over the shoulders.
  2. Secure the ends with a small bottom on each plait.
  3. To finish off the look, twist the hair that comes out after the bobbin back into it so that it looks like a bun.



3. Top knot with a difference

This one works really well for embracing your little one’s fringe.

  1. Simply brush your daughter’s hair quickly – you don’t want it too look tame.
  2. Pull it all up to the top of their head, leaving their fringe free, and secure with a bobbin.
  3. Tidy off the look with a bandana tied at the front – perfect for school.



4. Braid hair band

If your little one wants to wear their hair loose this is a great way to keep it out of their eyes.

  1. Brush the hair straight before pulling it into a side parting.
  2. Grab a section at the front and pull it across the top of their hair.
  3. Plait this section of hair before tying it with a bobbin at the end.



images via Pinterest


