Ryan Reynolds admits he steals THIS from Blake Livelys beauty stash

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively are without a doubt one of our favourite celebrity couples. The down-to-earth duo has been married since 2012 and it’s safe to say they’ve become one of the most loved Hollywood couples over the years.

We barely have time to brush our hair in the morning so we must admit we are forever baffled at how put-together Blake Lively and Ryan always look.

There’s no doubt Blake has a wardrobe full of designer threads and a beauty collection any woman would only dream of.

It comes as no surprise that Blake has the most flawless skin, especially with access to the best skin care products and the most expensive makeup brands.

What we wouldn’t give to have a collection like hers.

It looks like we aren’t the only ones who would love to have a rummage through Blake’s beauty stash. Her husband Ryan Reynolds revealed he often dips into her collection when his skin is in dire need of some TLC.

The dad opened up about his self-care routine in an interview with Vogue.


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The Deadpool actor admitted: “On a super-cold winter day, sometimes I’ll steal whatever my wife has in her drawers and slather it on. I may not know exactly what it is, but I do make sure it says moisturizer.”

When he’s not stealing his wife’s products, Ryan says he rarely experiments and sticks to what works.

"That’s really the 30,000-foot view of my life because every day is different, so I like as many variables to stay the same as possible.”


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At least Ryan checks the type of products before using them, he could have had a very awkward mishap with some self-tanner if not.


