Many of us would gawp at the mere thoughts of having sex during our period - the mess and grossness of it all being the main concerns. However, there are a number of good things that come with doing it at your time of month that might actually sway your mind! 


Whether you are thinking about it or have never even considered it, here are five things you should know: 


1. It’s perfectly safe

If you feel comfortable then there is no reason why you shouldn’t have sex during your period - it is perfectly safe. If you are worried about stained sheets simply put a towel down to protect your bed.


2. Sex might feel better

Obviously every person is different, but the oestrogen and testosterone levels increase in day three and some women can feel more aroused then.



3. Your partner might not be as grossed out as you think

Have you ever even talked to your partner about having sex during your period? You might be surprised by what they say! When it comes to sex, your other half won't be as concerned about blood as they are about how good it feels. 


4. Yes, you can still get pregnant

If having more children is not on your agenda, you should wear protection – remember, sperm can survive for three to five days after intercourse!


5. It helps with cramps

When you orgasm your body releases oxytocin and dopamine which, along with other endorphins, helps to ease period pain.




