Babies are so small when they first arrive that giving them a long name can seem too much for them to handle! And while there is a lot more to a name than simply the length of it, it can actually ne a huge factor for some mums, especially if their child is going to have a double-barrel surname.


If you are in the market for a short but sweet name, why not choose from these adorable ones:




1. Ari – meaning lion


2. Asa – meaning starting life at dawn


3. Ben – meaning son


4. Cal – meaning bald


5. Cole – meaning victory of the people


6. Dan – meaning God is my judge


7. Eli – meaning my God


8. Felix – meaning happy


9. Gus – meaning great


10. Ian – meaning God is gracious


11. Jay – meaning to rejoice


12. Lee – meaning someone who lives near a meadow


13. Max – meaning greatest


14. Pax – meaning peace


15. Ray – meaning kingly


16. Sam – meaning to hear


17. Ted – meaning divine gift


18. Tom – meaning a twin


19. Will – meaning guardian


20. Zach – meaning remembered by God





1. Ali – meaning noble light


2. Amy – meaning beloved


3. Ann – meaning full of grace


4. Ava – meaning life


5. Beth – meaning lively


6. Cara – meaning dear


7. Ella – meaning light


8. Eva – meaning life


9. Iris – meaning rainbow


10. Isla – meaning island


11. Ivy – meaning plant


12. Joy – meaning happy


13. Juno – meaning young


14. Kim – meaning from the wood of the royal forest


15. Lola – meaning strong woman


16. May – name of month


17. Mara – meaning bitter


18. Nell – meaning bright, shining one


19. Nora – meaning light


20. Vera – meaning true


