The dreaded smear test.


As much as adverts try and tell us it’s totally fine and stress free, we’re still not buying it.


Women are meant to have regular smear tests between the ages of 25 and 60 and going regularly will either give your peace of mind or even save your life.


Having said that, that few minutes can cause a lot of stress before and especially during.


So as you sit there, with your legs in stirrups, here’s 10 thoughts that have probably gone through your mind.


1. I wish I’d worn a skirt, now I’m just butt naked from the waist down.



2. Why did I not wear my nice knickers instead of these old boxer shorts with barely any elasticity left?



3. On one hand I’m glad I didn’t shave my legs because at least the extra fur is keeping me warm but on the other hand, don’t judge me.



4. Even after three children I still get shivers when I see that clamp.



5. Should I make conversation before we start? "So any plans for the week... woah!"



6. I can’t even remember the last time I had a bikini wax. I bet she gets bikini waxes all the time.



7. Should I say something? What do you talk about when someone is looking at your lady garden?



8. I wonder if mine is different to others she’s seen? Is that an appropriate topic of conversation?



9. “So any plans for the week...oh that’s it?” Wow, that was quick.



10. Well, that’s done for another three years.



11. I’m such a badass.



SHARE if you can relate.


