Stay hopeful! 20 little things mums in lock-down can celebrate

As I write this, I am sitting outside my daughter’s bedroom, listening to her sob incessantly. Its 11 pm and she’s hungry again. She ate a full meal at 7pm and has been in bed since 9pm...

This experience and others like it display a daily reality for parents around the world who have lost their routine and sanity, all in the last few weeks. To help you look towards a brighter future, here are 20 small wins that mums in lock-down can celebrate, should they miraculously materialise. Please note: I have not once experienced any of the following wins. I have imagined, nay, fantasised about some of them occurring and hope that other mums are having more luck than I am.

1. The day your kids eat a mere 5 snacks instead of 500

2. The day EVERYONE in the house gets dressed out of their PJs

3. When your children last a full ten minutes without fighting

4. When a half-hour goes by and you haven’t heard screeching or crying

5. The day you actually complete a task on the to-do-list that is has been etched in your mind since this whole thing began

6. When you finish ‘home-school’ without any tears

7. When your child actually smiles and chats politely while on video-calls to family members

8. When you say 'see you in the morning' to your kids, and it actually is the morning the next time you see them

9. When you make it through an afternoon without making an empty threat

10. When you get me-time in any way, shape or form

11. When your children last a full hour without asking for snacks

12. When your children do ANYTHING for themselves at all

13. When there is only one spectator watching you pee and not the whole household

14. When your child does something – anything – without being asked 100 times

15. The one time your child breaks their vow of ignoring you and actually listens

16. That one time you say ‘stop’ because your child is partaking in some life-threatening activity… and they actually stop

17. When your child voluntarily chooses to do something wholesome like read instead of snack while watching Netflix

18. The day you actually stick to the overly ambitious schedule you created

19. When your child cleans up after an activity...themselves

20. When your child does a teeny-tiny chore without complaining

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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