You may have mastered the perfect kettlebell swing or be a pro at the goblet squat, but if there is one exercise which can leave many of us feeling more than a little useless, it's the push-up.

Even the most devoted gym bunnies admit to struggling with this particular move, so if you are failing to nail it no matter how often you try, don't worry because you're certainly not alone!

The push-up is one of the most difficult exercises to perfect and perform with ease, but it is possible to learn and who doesn't want to be a pro at an exercise which strengthens your chest, shapes your shoulders, tones your bum and tightens your core?!

It's important not to run before you can walk, so why not learn how to do a bent-knee push-up before tackling the next stage?

Check out the best way to nail the move and put an end to those tears of frustration many of us hold back during gym class!

1. Make yourself comfortable

There's no point practising a move if your environment doesn't lend itself to the exercise.

Lay a mat or towel on the floor and remove anything that may restrict your movement in order to prepare yourself.

2. Lie face down on the floor

Take a deep breath and raise your lower legs so they are at right angles to your body.

Cross your calves into the shape of an 'x'.

3. Keep your shoulders down

Position your hands shoulder-width apart, squeeze your bum and tighten your core.

Once you have done this, squeeze your crossed legs even tighter.

4. Take another deep breath

Push the floor away and raise your body until your arms naturally straighten.

Do not let your back dip, be sure to keep it straight.

5. Begin your descent

Exhale slowly, lower yourself back to the floor and maintain a tight form throughout the exercise.

Tiredness can sometimes cause us to wilt halfway through, but it's vital you don't get sloppy near the end if you truly want to master the move.

Top tips:

1. Do not expect to improve immediately as this exercise requires time to master.

2. Be consistent in your approach to the move - one good set does not discount ten bads ones.

3. Do not give up because you will master this move, it just requires a little determination, we promise!



