Similar to spots, white heads also known as closed comedones, are hard, small and slightly raised bumps that can appear on the skin. However, unlike your traditional spots they aren’t red nor do they contain puss which can make them tricky to deal with.


Here’s everything you need to know about your white heads:


What causes them?

Just like spots and pimples, white heads are caused by a build up of oil and bacteria in your pores and are common with people who suffer from oily skin. They can also creep up during you time of month.


How to reduce your chances of getting them

  • Wash your face with warm water and a mild facial cleanser at least once a day.
  • Once a week, use a clay mask to give your pores a deep, down clean.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated
  •  Eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables.
  • Keep your skin moisturised.
  • Always take off your make-up before going to bed.


How to get rid of them

  • Steam your face over a bowl of hot water and clear your pores this way.
  • Rub lemons over the affected area which can help to absorb excessive oil.
  • Apply honey directly to your face and allowing it to work its antibacterial miracles before washing it off. 

