A time will come when your son will start asking what certain sanitary products in the bathroom are for or why Mum has stomach pains that require a hot water bottle every month.


Natural curiosity seems to be starting earlier and earlier these days, so it is best to be prepared for when they ask something that might make you feel uncomfortable. The better prepared you are the better able you’ll be to answer any questions.


However, while you expect to talk to your daughter about these things, it’s when your son starts asking questions that can leave you a little startled. But it is important to know that boys are just as curious as girls, but they are also more inclined to say something is gross or disgusting.


1. Be honest

When they find your pads in the bathroom, try to be as honest as you can or as much as you think your child can handle.


2. Use it as a teaching method

If your son notices blood in the toilet bowl or asks why you buy pads, use the question to start a conversation on their own puberty. Explain how when girls grow up they bleed in order to prepare their body for a baby (remember to be as detailed or as vague as you think they can handle), you can then move onto how his body will change.



3. Don’t give out if they call it yucky

It is natural for your child to cry “that’s gross” or “I don’t want to grow up” , but don’t give out to them for it. It’s normal to be a little grossed out so don’t push information onto them if they start to become squeamish. They won’t learn anything from it and you’ll end up becoming frustrated by their reaction.


4. Leave it for another day

If you aren’t ready to answer their question just tell them that it’s nothing to worry about and you’ll explain when you have a bit more time. This will give you a chance to figure out what you want to tell them and how much you want them to know.


5. Be direct

If you have chosen to be open and honest it is important you are direct and don’t beat about the bush. The better you handle the situation the easier it will be on them.


