Aside from overstepping parental boundaries, problems could arise because many young girls do not know their complete medical history or if they could possibly have a medical condition or predisposition that could mean these forms of contraceptive may be a danger to them. Currently, the only brand of implant available in the UK is Nexplanon. According to the contraindications section of the Nexplanon pamphlet, Nexplanon should not be used in women who have undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding or allergic reaction to any of the components of Nexplanon. Would a 13-year-old who is seeking birth control say they have undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding? I feel the answer is probably not. It also states that before insertion, the healthcare provider should confirm that the woman has had a physical examination, including a gynecologic examination, performed and that it should be ensured that the woman understands the benefits and risk of Nexplanon.
Aside from the obvious health risks that could occur, this teen pregnancy reduction initiative does not address the issue of sexually transmitted diseases. Unfortunately teens seem to want to combat the risk of pregnancy by obtaining these types of birth control methods, but they are completely disregarding the issue of STDs. Nexplanon may in fact protect against pregnancy, but it does nothing to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, so while a teen feels safe in the knowledge that they will avoid an unwanted pregnancy, are they are in turn subjecting themselves to unsafe sexual practices?
Do you think that schools have overstepped their boundaries by offering these services to teens without parental consent? Or do you think this is a positive step towards combating the issue of teen pregnancies?