April Fools’ Day is all about having a little bit of fun with your kids (before they get you, of course!). 


You can go as simple or as wild as want, as long as it's going to give you a good giggle. 


If you are stuck for a few ideas, don't worry we've got you covered! 


1. Cover the remote control sensor with clear tape

This is a great one if your youngster heads straight to the TV room as soon as they get up in the morning. 


2. Set their clock one hour ahead

But only do this if you are also prepared for an early morning wake up call -  at least you won’t be running late.


3. Switch your kids in bed

This one involves stealth-like precision and more than one child! 



4. Put newspaper in their shoes

And watch them struggle to get their shoes on in the morning - they'll think they've grown a lot overnight! 


5. Freeze their orange juice

Pour a orange juice into a plastic cup and leave it int he freezer overnight. In the morning, let them see you pour a little orange jucice in the cup and hand them the drink. Now watch as they try to get all of the juice out of the cup!



6. Treat them to a bag of sliced carrots

Empty a crisp packet and refill it with sliced carrots. Seal it back up with glue and give to your child as a 'treat' - now watch their face as they open it! 


7. Scare the bejaysus out of them

Using back paper, cut up insects and place them ono the inside of your lampshades. When they kids turn on the lights they'll get one hell of a fright! Too mean?!


Before you do anything though, make sure you have enough time in the morning for all this messing. The last thing you want is to end up cranky at the kids because you're running late. 


SHARE if you plan on having a bit of fun tomorrow!


