Back to school means back to helping out with homework. And unfortunately, while many of us would just assume that we would have no problem getting to grips on English and Maths, the reality is very different when you realise you can’t remember anything from your school days.


Here are ten realities of helping your child with their homework:


1. You resort to Google more times than you like

Usually for silly questions that common sense should have been able to help you with.


2. You realise you don’t actually know as much as you thought

And your child, in fact, knows a hell of a lot more than you...


3. You remember why you’re glad you’re finished school

Even primary school subjects are leaving you in a cold sweat!



4. You don’t really understand what they have to do in the first place

Why can’t they write a proper sentence – why does it have to be in code!


5. You wonder how you ever managed to get a job

You’re struggling with basic multiplication questions... Seriously like!


6. Your grammar skills are not quite up to scratch

Comma splice, semi-colon, hyphen – what are these things you have never heard of!



7. Things are a lot different these days

You’ll spend more time helping your child on the computer than actually looking through a book.


8. You’ll also realise just how much has stayed the same

Some of the books in your kid’s back are having you feel a little nostalgic for your own school days.


9. You realise none of the pens in your house work

Seriously. Not one.


10. It takes a lot longer than you anticipated

A good hour can pass before you have even realised!



Maybe it’s time to call in the experts!


