The summer is coming to it's end and it's time to head back to school.


When it comes to getting back into the school routine, there are a few things that annoy parents. 


Any guesses what number one is?


According to a new survey, it is the daily journey from home to school - and that pesky gridlock traffic. 



The study discovered that the schoolkids getting dropped in their trucks and jeeps are causing the roads to clog up, and as a result, a little bit of road rage in other parents.  


Unsurprisingly, the price of school uniforms and books is also a serious worry for parents.


And what was bottom of the list?


You'll never guess - it's the cost of childcare, which you might assume would be higher up.  


The survey was carried out by Lottoland and it showed that there is a few other concerns that parents have when it comes to going back to school.



They include; a phone call from an angry/worried Principal with news that your kid has been up to no good, as well as the awkwardness of parent-teacher meetings and, of course, taking care of children who are unwell.


Graham Ross, Lottoland’s Irish Country Manager, has spoken about how it might be the gorgeous weather that we've had this summer to blame for the dread of going back to school.


He said, “after the summer we’ve had this year, it would be understandable if parents and kids found it even harder than usual to face into back-to-school time. As a parent myself, the return of the morning rush is definitely not one that I’m looking forward to but we’re all going to have just grin a bear the return to normality!”


Unfortunately, going back to the classroom is happening whether you like it or not but don't forget- autumn-time-of-year brings lots to look forward to as well! 

