Kate Beckinsale is all class – all you need to do is watch her sashaying down a red carpet, or chatting in an interview to know this. She has no qualms whatsoever about putting someone in their place, however!


This is clear from her exchange with a follower on social media, in her latest Instagram post.


The 43-year-old, known for her roles in Underworld and Serendipity (it’s our favourite – don’t judge us!), took to the site to share a cool Boomerang of her and a couple of friends dancing.


While many of her followers commented on how happy she looked, and how much fun she appeared to be having; one person couldn’t help but have a go!


Now, we know that Kate is a devoted and loving mother, to Lily; her 18-year-old daughter, with fellow actor Michael Sheen. With Lily now in college, Kate’s days of late-night feeds are long past.



Lend a natural redhead your necklace and it all starts popping off 

A post shared by Kate Beckinsale (@katebeckinsale) on


This is why Kate was understandably irked when someone commented: “Go home and take care of your kids!”


Kate was not about to take this comment lying down, and hit back with the best response EVER.


Tackling the commenter’s throwback to the Dark Ages head-on, she wrote: “What’s amazing is it is no longer the 18th century, so now that my one child is grown, I don’t have to stay at home (while she’s out with her own friends) playing the pianoforte, getting consumption, or trying to secure her a marriage.


“But thank you for the quaint blast from the past. Oh, and I can vote now, too! YAY!”


Game, set and match to Ms Beckinsale! Needless to say, when the commenter did muster the courage to respond to his ‘joke’, he apologised!



Kate’s fans rallied in response, too, hitting back against the backwards ‘mummy-shaming’ displayed on her post.


“Preach,” wrote one fan. “For many people, being a mother means that you’re not allowed to have your own identity. This sort of prejudice is disgusting!”


“Well said, Kate,” another chimed in. “You are doing a fine job raising Lily. We live in modern times, and why can’t you enjoy yourself?”


Elsewhere, another joked: “No fun allowed, for mothers or women in general.”


We get that this person most likely meant this as a light-hearted comment, but in light of the serious prejudice women and mothers have come up against in the past, we really shouldn’t be encouraging these kinds of ‘jokes’.


Well done, Kate.


