Tiger customers who have purchased a particular brand of whistle for their children over the past seven months have this week been asked to return the item to their nearest branch.


According to a statement on the Chartered Trading Standards Institute website, the whistles – which are shaped like lips – contain a sound unit that has been discovered to separate if pulled or picked at. When used by itself, this unit could be swallowed and, thus, poses a serious choking hazard.


The item number on the mouth whistle is 2600226, while the batch number is 79468; these whistles have reportedly been available since November 2015.



While there have been no reported choking cases relating to these whistles, the manufacturer issued today’s recall as a precautionary measure.


The statement on the website added: “Tiger continuously strives to maintain and improve the safety of our products and to ensure that our customers feel safe in purchasing our products.”


Anyone with questions or queries is asked to contact the company by email at headoffice@tigerstores.co.uk.


SHARE with a friend who shops at this store, who may have purchased one of these mouth whistles.


