The days of packed lunches, maths classes and spelling tests have returned as back-to-school season is officially here.


This week, most youths returned to school after six long weeks of summer holidays.


The break from school is greatly appreciated by youngsters who get to wave goodbye to the classroom and hello to the beach, however, a new survey has found that not everyone is impressed with the summer holiday period.


In a survey conducted by Sky News, many people admitted they felt that children had too much time away from school.



43 percent believed a decrease in the amount of time youths have off is essential. A mere 11 percent believed the break should be extended.


Participants felt the long break had a negative impact on children’s education, and most notably, their physical health.


We all tend to eat more junk food during the summer months. We happily scoff candy floss at the funfair and gobble down a portion of fish and chips by the sea. However, a recent survey found children are eating five times more sugar during July and August.



Over 1,000 parents took part in the study. Eight in every 10 participants admitted they were concerned about the amount of sugar youths consume during summer.


Some may believe the long holiday period is bad for youths, but others believe they deserve the hearty break from school, especially as more adolescents suffer from mental health issues today.


The break is a healthy way for children to relieve stress, especially during exam season. Taking some time out from the pressure of school can be exactly what youths need.


What do you think? 


Is it time to reduce the summer holidays or are they fine just the way they are?


