Dolly's Blog

I have seen lots of blogs lately with parents ‘dissing’ the Elf! Apparently, he brings out the worst in us and our children, creating competitive mums, spoilt kids and one more stress that nobody really needs.Well I am here to disagree! I have lots of friends who have an Elf that visits in December, most of them more creative than I with their ideas and regularly creating new ideas which I...
Last updated: 09/12/2015 by Dolly
5.50am – Wake up call provided courtesy of my oldest who strolls in, kisses me on the cheek and gets in at the foot end of the bed, firmly planting both two cold feet against my, previously cosy legs making it impossible to go back to sleep…which is neither here nor there really considering… Shortly followed by 5.55am – my youngest wakes and lets me, and everyone else in the street know...
Last updated: 25/06/2015 by Dolly
eSolution: Sheology
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