chloehashemi's Blog

You can’t restrict your child’s curiosity. If you have a toddler stumbling around the house, then it’ll be only natural for them to want to get familiar with their surroundings, and touch everything and anything to get a feel for what is available to them. Children are naturally inquisitive but aren’t fully aware of the dangers of electricity. With your children growing up in the...
Last updated: 06/08/2014 by chloehashemi
The prospect of keeping the kids busy for a single weekend can often be a daunting task, but when 6 weeks of freedom stands before you it can be difficult to decide where to even begin planning the time away. Scour the town for free activities. The summer holidays can be a rather expensive time. Cinema visits, trips to the zoo, shopping trips, everything adds up. However, not everything has to...
Last updated: 04/08/2014 by chloehashemi
Even going on holiday can be a transition for your children. Moving house, whether internationally or even just down the road can be a lot for them to handle, because their familiarity is being taken from them. For many children, however old they are, moving house is difficult as it means leaving friends, memories and familiar places behind. The entire moving process can create a lot of stress for...
Last updated: 01/08/2014 by chloehashemi
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