August has arrived, so has the last month of the summer holidays. While the last minute school shop has already begun, it can be good idea to make sure that your tween makes the most of their last few days of summer. So, here are few activities that your tween should get up to before September arrives.
Organised for school
Not the most fun item on the list, but it’s important that your tween starts preparing for school sooner rather than later. The best place to start for school preparation is by encouraging your tween to start organising their room. If your tween starts to prepare their room, study area, and even their own computer early in the summer, they’ll have their new lifestyle down by the time they head back to school.
Sort out their wardrobe
While you may have already started shopping for their new school uniform, it can also be an opportune time to start sorting out a new wardrobe for your tween. While shopping for the school essentials is important, your tween will need a new casual wardrobe too. Make sure your tween is involved in the decisions surrounding their new wardrobe as they will be the one wearing the new clothes.
Family time
It can be hard to try and spend time with your tween, especially if they would much rather be spending time with their peers instead. But do try and make the effort to make the most of your tween’s last summer days, as it will become a lot harder to bond with them once they return to school.
While you may want to spend all of your time with your tween, it’s important that they do spend some time with their friends as well. This is especially important if they’re entering secondary school for the first time. The new workload and atmosphere can make it harder for your tween to keep in touch with their primary school friends. So, encourage your tween to spend as much time as possible in the last few days of their summer holidays.

