We are loving the body positivity that’s been sweeping social media in the past couple of years. Sure, we could have done with it when we were in secondary school and feeling wildly insecure – but hey, better late than never, right?


Thanks to Instagram, a slew of diverse models have been given a platform. And you only need to look at the amount of followers to know that the people have spoken: THIS is what we want. Representation of women of all shapes and sizes, not just one narrow (literally) ideal of what a woman is ‘supposed’ to look like.


Models like Iskra Lawrence, Barbara Ferreira and Ashley Graham are opening a new dialogue, one that says diversity is beautiful, sexy and important. Important to us mums, important to our children and important to creating kinder, healthier society as a whole.



So we LOVE the #iamallwoman campaign, where models Charli Howard and Clémentine Desseaux recruited a range of diverse models as part of a powerful new body-positive project.


Curvy, slim, pear-shaped, large-thighed – women of all shapes and sizes are here. Because that’s what the world is actually made up of – women of all shapes and sizes.


We applaud these models for getting involved in such an important campaign. The more messages like this our children can see, the better. We worry as parents that our children will look at Victoria Secrets models and think, “I don’t look like that. Why don’t I look like that? That’s what society says is beautiful so I must diet, exercise, do whatever can to look that way.”



But now, thanks to campaigns like #iamallwoman, our kids have a different perspective than we had. They can look at these models and think, “Wait, these stunning, powerful women are beautiful too”.


We are ‘society’ and WE have the power to change body perceptions! So let's do it!





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