It has been an incredibly dramatic week in Hollywood, with news of Angelina Jolie’s split from Brad Pitt taking up headline space all over the world.


One of the unwitting victims of the speculation that followed was French actress Marion Cotillard, who found herself caught up in rumours of an affair with her Allied co-star Pitt.


The rumours grew so intense that Cotillard was forced to issue a statement denying the affair and confirming her second pregnancy with long-term partner Guillaume Canet.



Now, as the controversy dies down, Canet has finally broken his silence on the drama – and while he is full of praise for his other half, he has come down hard on the tabloid media.


In an Instagram post, Canet revealed that he was moved to speak out on account of ‘the fury of the tabloids, the venal stupidity of journalists and the hatred of keyboard warriors’.


“[They] pushed me to tell of the pride, the love, respect and admiration I have for Marion to stay as strong and intelligent in the face of all these stupid and unfounded accusations,” he wrote.



Je n'ai pas non plus l'habitude de commenter les rumeurs faites à notre sujet... Je n'ai pas non plus l'habitude de parler de ma vie privée, que jusqu'à présent j'ai toujours protégé avec beaucoup d'attention... Mais l'acharnement de la presse people, la bêtise vénale de certaines personnes se faisant appeler journalistes, la haine de certains internautes se sentant plus forts derrière un clavier, me poussent quand même à dire la fierté, l'amour, le respect et l'admiration que j'ai pour Marion, de rester aussi forte et intelligente face à toutes ces accusations débiles et non fondées. Je pense que nous vivons tous des choses autrement plus importantes en ce moment et que maintenant il serait temps de passer à autre chose et d'élever un peu le niveau. Même si il y a beaucoup de travail pour certains, j'ai envie d'être positif. Et comme dit si bien Marion je vous souhaite d'aller mieux et d'aspirer à autre chose dans votre vie que d'envoyer constamment de la merde !

A photo posted by Guillaume Canet (@guillaumecanetofficiel) on


Insisting that now is the time to move on, he added: “As Marion said, I hope you [the media] get better and aspire to something more in your life than that constant s***.”


The couple, who have been together for nine years, are already parents to five-year-old son Marcel.


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