Debi Jackson, the mother of a transgender six-year-old, recently delivered an amazing speech on the topic, and now another mother has inspired us with her family’s story.


Renee Fabish took to her Facebook account to share the story of her child Milla, who was born female but identifies as male.


In a moving montage, Renee reveals how Milla always preferred dressing in boys’ clothes and showed more interest in Spiderman and Batman than dolls, referring to herself as a “girl-boy”.


When Milla turned six, she refused to wear girls’ clothes and shortly after begged her parents to cut her hair up short.


While friends and relatives told Renee and her husband that it was just a phase that Milla would grow out of, they knew it was far more when their child began crying over not being a boy.




When Milla came to them one day asking if there was medicine she could take to make her a boy, they knew something needed to be done.


After bringing her to an endocrinologist, Milla was diagnosed with gender dysphoria – born female but identifying as male.


Milla’s parents vowed to support their child in every way they could, and have taken on doctors’ instructions to begin the gender transition as soon as possible.


At the end of this touching video, Milla himself delivers a powerful message that everyone needs to watch.


This is nothing short of inspiring.


