Being a mother is probably the toughest job in the world, and no matter how our situations and circumstances differ, our struggles are shared.


This week, one blogger has decided to share an insight into the reality she faces into on a daily basis, as a working mum.


Rachelle from The Mummy Code has taken to Facebook to send a very special message “to anyone who thinks that working mums have it all together”.


Posting a photo of herself looking glum sitting in her car, with clutter and rubbish on display in the front seat and her daughter just visible in the back, she described her feelings regarding her hectic routine.


To anyone who thinks that working mums have it all together. Ummm no...... I have just arrived home at 5.10pm. I woke up...

Posted by The Mummy Code on Tuesday, April 5, 2016


“I have just arrived home at 5:10pm. I woke up with my three-year-old at 4:30am, got kids ready, went to childcare, drove an hour in traffic and started work at 8am – in a normal job, nothing glamorous or exciting. I still have to do baths, make dinner and make a slice for work tomorrow, who are having a ‘fun’ morning tea,” she wrote.


She added that, all the while, she is listening to her husband’s incessant questions and worrying about her filthy car.


We’re sure many of you can relate to Rachelle’s feelings and struggle, whether you work outside of the home or not, and she had this final message of solidarity to send out to anyone having a tough day.


“It may appear that working mums have it together, but we are really all just running around, muddling through and trying to make it all work, so no one is let down or left out. I am grateful for my family and my job, but it’s not easy,” she wrote.


Can you relate to Rachelle’s words?


SHARE to remind another mum that she’s not alone.


