This is EPIC!


We’ve got your back mums, so when making the decision to share something that’s not necessarily new, we weigh up how valuable it will be to you. 


So it was a no-brainer to share this inspirational story we came across about a dad’s reaction to his son asking for a Little Mermaid doll.


Dad Mikki Willis shared an amazing video of love and acceptance last August, where he started by asking viewers how they would feel if their son chose a Little Mermaid doll in a toy shop.



“YEAH!” replied his four-year old son Azai with joy.


“Yeah!” agreed his dad, before promising Azai and one-and-a-half year old Zuri that he will always love and accept them, no matter what life they choose.


“Choose your expression, choose what you’re into, choose your sexuality,” he tells them.


Mikki shared the video on YouTube, and with over four million views and hundreds of positive comments, it’s clear it’s had a major effect on those who’ve watched it.



“Azai is equally fascinated by princesses and robots,” Mikki captioned the video. “One moment he’s all boy, the next he's expressing a softer, more angelic side. For me this behaviour rings more authentic than playing one note all the time.


“My job as daddy is to provide a safe playing field for my boys to play whatever game they choose, or better yet, create their own game! I trust that by the time they realize the world isn't as accepting as mommy and daddy they’ll have such a solid foundation that nothing will shake their stance to fully, and unabashedly be themselves.”


What a wonderful attitude. There’s no doubt Azai and Zuri are lucky little boys!


SHARE to spread this awesome message of acceptance!


