If you thought the terrible twos were bad, you obviously have yet to meet your match with your tween! Between the ages of two and 20, you will go through a number of battles with your son or daughter as both of you try to find a balance that works, while they figure out their independence!


And while we wouldn’t change them for the world, if you are the mum of an 11- or 12-year-old you’ll no doubt have experienced one or two of these battles.


1. The battle for the bathroom

Looks have become a priority now that your little one is growing up. This means their normal ten minutes in the bathroom brushing their teeth is now an hour of hair gelling and outfit changes!


2. The battle for the phone

You haven’t yet allowed them get their own phone so the house phone is constantly engaged as they discuss plans with friends. Good luck when you get your bill!


3. The battle for the last piece of cake

Mother guilt is gone now that they’ve stated answering you back and you no longer feel guilty if you eat the last piece of cake. Now it’s a matter of first come, first served.



4. The battle to get them to listen

This is one you’ve been dealing with since your little one was old enough to talk.


5. The battle to get them home

They’d prefer to spend time with their friends, and getting your son or daughter to come home often involves you sitting in the car for twenty minutes while they say goodbye.


6. The battle to get them up in the morning

There are no winners with this one! Either the kids get up grumpy and incorporative or you end up shouting and annoyed at them for the entire morning.  



7. The battle to get them off their phone

Tweens who have smart phones are never off them – they can’t even get a Facebook page so we don’t know what they’re doing on it...


8. The battle to get a conversation out of them

Questions are usually answered with a monosyllabic "yes" or "no" before they turn their head towards something more interesting.


9. The battle to get them to turn off the TV

You’ve even tried hiding the remote but they always find a way. Always.


10. The battle to get them to clean up

This is a battle that you are, sadly, never going to win!




