The school nativity is the highlight of the calendar for so many of us: the kids have fun, the adults meet up and everyone is just filling up with Christmas pride.


But each year, you can guarantee the following ten things will happen:


Someone will get their line wrong

It’s hard not have a chuckle when the teacher not-so-quietly tries to whisper the correct one at them. Then everyone starts to get confused because the next child has already started their line - ensue a lot of whispering and nudges. 


The sheep and the ox will have a fight

Someone is going to push someone, whether subtly or not, and then a fight of pushing and shoving will ensue. This is when the teacher’s not-so-quiet whispers become quite loud.  


Someone’s headdress will fall off

Either one little kid’s hat will fall off or their antlers will break or whatever, but they’ll spend the rest of the play trying to fix it while their mum tries to mouth ‘just leave it’ to them.


One child will stand waving at their mum

This is actually really cute and you can’t help but say "awww" and wish your child would just let you know they saw you. Your own waving arm is getting very tired.


Someone will get stage fright

They’re only kids but someone will undoubtedly get stage fright and stumble when it’s their turn to say something. It’s hard not to feel for them.


One mum will shout 'well done' at the stage

There is always that one mum who shouts up at the stage after their little one has done their part. We’re all swelling up with pride but, eh, that’s a bit embarrassing for everyone involved.


Someone will forget their costume

And a quick hashed together costume will ensue. Thank god for the Lost Property room!


The music won’t work

At the most crucial part of the play, the music will decide that this is when it will take a little rest. Cue panicked teachers and oblivious children.


Someone will have an iPad right in your view

Whatever happened to a good old-fashioned camera? The iPad is so big and just so in the way.


There will probably be some aliens

The original story of the Nativity doesn’t seem to be enough anymore and if there are aliens in your kid’s play, don’t worry you’re not the first to be confused. 


