It is inevitable that your son will grow up and eventually leave the nest. However, before your little one grows too big to want to listen to you, it is important to teach them certain things so that they can go out into the world with their head held high.
It’s ok to cry
Teach your son that big boys do cry and that expressing emotion does not make you any less of a man.
Be a gentleman
Tell them to be a gent and hold the door open for girls. While some might not like it others will – but good manners go a long way.
Do what you want
Make sure your son knows that he can do anything he wants in life, so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else, and not to worry about how other people will view them.
Take responsibility for your actions
If something goes wrong or not according to plan it is important that your son knows that he must step up and take responsibility.
Be confident in your opinions
Teach your son to stand up for what he believes in, even if others laugh or try to put him down.
What you do matters
Ensure they are aware of the fact that what they say to others can hurt more than what they do. Tell them to think carefully before they speak, especially if it’s in the heat of the moment.
Look after your friends
Men aren’t very good at looking after their mental health so encourage your son to look after his friends, especially the male ones. Not only will it make them a good friend it will also make them a better person.
Be best friends with your siblings
Family squabbles are bound to happen but make sure your son doesn’t fall out with his siblings - friends come and go but family always stays.
Be friends with everyone
Encourage them not to exclude people because they don’t fit into a certain stereotype. People less like them will help them to expand their horizons.
Don’t be afraid to fall in love
Tell your son to not be afraid of falling in love. Make sure they know that being in love does not make them weak - it actually makes them see the world in a whole new light. 

