Once upon a time, you probably thought you'd just pop the child into the trolley, watch them doze off and you'd get to do your shop in peace.


Now? Well, you can't believe how naive you were, to be honest.


Here are a few things you'll definitely recognise if you've ever ventured into the supermarket with your little ones...


You'll say 'no' a lot



"If I can't recognise any of the ingredients in it, you're not getting it"


...followed by 'right, okay, just this time' 



Because 'no' isn't getting you anywhere, and you need them to stop the screams. People are starting to judge you...


You'll manage a heavy load 



And you thought you were done with the buggy stage...


Said load may include kids that aren't your own...



Or, you know, real...


You won't necessarily bring home everything you buy



And it'll cross your mind to claim it must have been like that when you picked it off the shelf...you'd better go get another one...


Things will get messy 





You'll have to abandon your trolley mid-shop



How can they not have a toilet here? Don't they know that's like saying 'you can't have air' to someone with child?!


You'll apologise for things that aren't your fault 



Especially when the checkout girl gets covered in opened yoghurt. "Sorry, I thought it was just the ice-cream, chocolate milk and orange juice they'd opened..."


You'll feel just like Shrek on the road with Donkey



Questions like 'can we go yet?' and 'how much longer?' will go through your head!


You'll lie and bribe your way to the finishing line



"It'll be quick, I promise." "I only need a few things." "If you're good, maybe you can pick out a treat."


You'll be so relieved when it's over



'Til you realise you have to do it all over again next week! *sighs resignedly*


SHARE if this happens to you pretty much every week of your life!

