Toddlers are cute, fun and great to be around, but sometimes they can get us into awkward situations where we really just want the ground below us to just open up.
When your toddler runs away from a relative trying to give them a kiss
You spend the next ten minutes either trying to catch them or standing really awkwardly while you wait for the whole situation to pass.
When your toddler refuses to answer a question asked by someone else
And all the coaxing in the world just won’t encourage them to open up.
When they catch you having a special moment with your partner
It’s worse when they start asking questions about what you were doing.
They like to announce to the world all of your private family things
Let’s just hope they forgot about the above incident.
They get naked, and not just when they are at home
It’s just a phase, right?
They have pretty loud and dramatic tantrums if they don’t get the sweets they want
Trying to discipline when you know there are at least ten people watching and judging your every move is not easy.
They tell you really loudly that they have just wet themselves
In the middle of the shop.
They push another child out of their way
If nobody saw it, you just ignore it... if the other kid’s mum is there you try all you can to hide your red face.
When they question the appearance of a person they see in the street. Loudly.
“Is that man going to have a baby?”
When they curse
But sure you never say a bad word in front of your child, right?
When they announce that you farted. In public.
Farts are fun to kids and even more so when mummy does them.
When they get up and do a very inappropriate dance move
Hmm, wonder where they learned that from. 

