Motherhood can really zonk you. But you don't have to pack the kids off for a week to recover your zest for life. 


There are some very simple ways that you can boost your energy levels. Here are 14...


Stay consistent


Wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This stabilises your circadian rhythm and sets your body clock.


Stop hitting the snooze button! 



When the alarm goes off, obey it and get up. Falling back to sleep can interrupt your hormone cycle and make it even harder to bounce out of bed.


Get moving! 


Exercise is often the last thing you feel like doing when you’re tired, but studies show you must spend energy to make energy.


Go easy on the quick fixes



Coffee, sugar and energy drinks can give you an energy boost but they shouldn’t become habitual. Spiking and plunging your blood-glucose levels creates an unhealthy energy deficit.


Eat more soluble fibre


Gorge on oats, nuts, seeds and vegetables that are digested slowly, giving you sustained energy and helping keep blood sugar levels constant after a meal.


Eat little and often



Eat four to five smaller meals throughout the day. This will keep your blood sugar level from dipping.


Think hydration


Drink more water. Dehydration has been shown to decrease alertness, reduce concentration and make you feel fatigued, so sip on at least two litres of water throughout the day.


Sit up straight



Good posture opens up the chest and increases oxygen intake by about 30 percent, making more energy available to your mind and body.


Love your guts


Energy levels are tied to the health of your gastrointestinal tract.


Breathe deeply



When you feel a dip in your energy, increase the oxygen supply to your brain by trying this little breathing exercise: Put the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth. Inhale through your nose for four counts. Hold the breath for seven counts, then exhale for eight counts. Repeat four times.


Eat less for lunch


A high calorie meal in the middle of the day takes longer to digest and ends up pulling energy away from other cells in your body.


Take breaks



To do your best work and stay focused, schedule breaks every 90 minutes where you get up and move.


Rethink how much you drink


A nightcap might help you unwind after a busy day, but even a couple of drinks can interfere with the quality of your sleep as your body tries to process the alcohol.


Stretch it out



Stimulate your sympathetic nervous system and energise your mind and body by trying this stretch: stand in a doorway, facing forward with feet slightly apart. Reach to the sides of the frame. Grab the frame with your fingers, then push your chest forward until you feel a stretch in your torso and back; Hold for 30 seconds.


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