When you become a mum, a number of things slowly start to happen: you turn into your own mum, you do things you never thought you would (like clean someone else’s vomit out of your hair) and you start to say a few phrases that you no doubt hoped you never would.


Have a read of the following 15 phrases, and don’t be surprised if you can recognise a few...


1. "As long as you are under my roof, you live by my rules"

You probably picked this up from your own mum....It is a good one though!


2. "If you act like a child, I’ll treat you like one"

No matter how grown up they like to think they are, remember, they are only kids...!



3. "Because I said so"

And that is a good enough reason for you.


4. "I can’t even hear myself think"

Well you can’t – you’re only being honest!



5."What did your last slave die of?"

'Mum, can I’ve a drink?'; 'Mum, can you get my shoes?'; 'Mum, can you feed me...?'


6. "Close the door! Were you born in a barn?"

Usually said after: 'Where’s that draught coming from...'



7. "I’m not asking you, I’m telling you"

The kids know they’re in trouble when Mum says this.


8. "Don’t make me turn this car around"

You know you won’t and they know you won’t!



9. "Where are your manners?"

'Please and thank you, they’re the magic words'


10. "Your room is a pigsty"

It probably is, so we’ll give you this one!



11. "How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tasted it?"

It’s so frustrating when the kids turn their noses up before they have even looked at their plate!


12. "We’ll only be a minute"

Plus another 59 on top of that..




13. "Eat your veggies and you’ll grow up big and strong"

This is true, so say it to your heart’s content.


14. "You’ll be fine"

Usually said after they have fallen head first off the swing...


15. "I'm going to count to five and you better be ready/in bed/ tidying up..."

Watch them run when you get to three and a half! 




