Growing up is tough and while we all need a little help to get though the tough stages, kids in particular need a little guidance from their parents.


Here are 20 life rules every child needs to know about:


That it is important to give to charity

Helping others is something that needs to be instilled from an early age.


To stick with sport interests

Whatever they choose - football, basketball, boxing - make sure they stick with them right through the teen years.


To never regret staying in to spend time with family

Being pulled in different directions by friends and family can make deciding on who to spend time with difficult.


That failure is not a bad thing

Because it’s not. 


To try everything once

Well, almost everything!


That being original is cool

If everyone was the same the world would be a very boring place


To embrace productive criticism

And ignore other’s judgement.


Being popular is not the most important thing in life.

There are more serious issues to contend with.


Friends should always come before boys.

Boys will come and go.


To trust their own judgement

And go with it if it's something they really believe in.


To fall in love

Because it’s beautiful


To have their heart broken

To make them appreciate love that much more.


To dream big

And do all they can to fulfill them.


To work hard

Nothing comes from sitting back waiting for things to happen.


To believe in themselves 

And not let anyone tell them otherwise.


Exercise to be fit not to lose weight

A good body image comes from a healthy body.


To enjoy food

Food is not the enemy.


That it is ok to cry

Boy, girl, young or old – crying is a natural part of life


That it's ok to be afraid

But it is better to try to overcome your fears.


Life is too short to leave it until tomorrow 

Procrastination is never a good thing.


