Dear Santa,


We've been really, really good this year, so we think we deserve everything we've put on our list.


Sort us out won't you Santa? 


Here's our teeny tiny list. Thanking you in advance.


1. For there to be peace amongst siblings.


2. A constant supply of hugs.


3. For there to be no dirty, furry mugs under our teenagers’ beds.


4. Just one wash where we aren’t missing the second socks of at least four pairs.


5. A glorious lie-in – the kind where we wake up and stretch like a cat because we’re SO well-rested.


6. Tidy bedrooms.


7. Happy kids.


8. Our mothers-in-law to say, “I really admire how you’re raising your kids, in fact, I couldn’t do it better myself!”


9. Precious time with the family.


10. The toothpaste cap to be screwed on so it’s not squeezed all over the sink.


11. A type of chocolate that has the same amount of calories as a head of broccoli.


12. Massages from ‘himself’ on demand.


13. Help cooking the Christmas dinner.


14. More importantly, help doing the washing up!


15. Some ‘me time’.


16. To say something once and have it followed.


17. To eat cheese, lots and lots of cheese. And crisps. Oh yes, plenty of crisps.


18. To be told we're appreciated.


19. To pee without being ‘supervised’ by our kids.


20. Some beautiful, wonderful silence.


Can you relate mums? Is your Christmas list looking a bit like this? We're not asking for much right?!


