30 weird and wonderful Halloween costumes suggested by my five-year-old

Halloween is a wonderful time of year that inspires creativity in our little ones. My five-year-old expressed her concern about choosing a costume back in August, and ever since, has been throwing ideas around to see what we think.

If she has taught me anything, it's that anything and everything can be a Halloween costume, if you only use your imagination. Here is my list of 30 weird and wonderful costumes suggested by my five-year-old daughter.

  1. A zombie Pokeball

  2. Half Simba and half Nala

  3. The chicken thing from Moana

  4. A bus

  5. A bad person

  6. A puddle

  7. Me when I was pregnant with her

  8. A dead duck

  9. A random toy from inside a Kinder Egg

  10. A Joker (yes, the one from the current film. Lovely.)

  11. A jumping jack

  12. A broken phone

  13. Non-recyclable packaging (this suggestion came after I exclaimed that it was 'scary' that a certain plastic packing wasn't recyclable)

  14. Santa

  15. A tree hit by lightning

  16. The beast from Beauty and the Beast

  17. A light bulb

  18. A fart

  19. A bad idea

  20. A scratch card

  21. Zombie Beyoncé

  22. Zombie Lizzo

  23. Dead Pikachu

  24. A French person

  25. A computer mouse

  26. A lawnmower

  27. Her teacher

  28. A rude song

  29. A two-euro coin

  30. Donald Trump

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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