We all know we should drink more water, but with experts suggesting at least eight glasses a day, it can seem like a mammoth task.

And sometimes no matter how much H2o you consume on a daily basis, you'll soon find some report telling you it's still not enough.

It can be easy to lose heart and give up completely when you feel your efforts aren't paying off, but this is simply one aspect of healthy living which you can't afford to slack on.

Even if you skip the gym or accidentally devour an entire packet of biscuits, but still manage to reach your water quota, then rest assured, you're doing great!

Here are just five reason why you need to continue chugging on the clear stuff!

1. Boosts mood

When you're dehydrated, you will very quickly notice a slump in your mood.

Why not sip yourself to a happier state of mind?!

2. Hydrates skin

If you're sick of spending a fortune on expensive face creams and moisturisers, then just grab a glass and fill it up!

By drinking water throughout the day, you will be ensuring your complexion maintains a smooth and youthful appearance

3. Boosts energy levels

Feel yourself flagging throughout the day?

By downing a glass of water you will be instantly reviving your muscles thereby giving yourself an instant physical lift.

4. Helps weight loss

It has been scientifically proven that we often mistake thirst for hunger.

By keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day, you won't get to a stage where you reach for cake under the assumption you're hungry!

5. Prevents disease

By regularly chugging on water, you are lowering your chances of kidney disease.

People who stay hydrated throughout the day are at a significantly lower risk of developing the condition.



