These days, you'd have to be living under a rock not to know of the dangers associated with sedentary lifestyles.


From obesity to diabetes and heart disease, the health problems linked to the couch potato way of life are not what you want for your kids.


But with iPads and TVs calling to them everywhere you go, how do you prise them away from screens and get them to embrace the great outdoors?


Here are a few things that may help…


Try different things



Encouraging your child is the first step, but it’s not always that simple. Maybe your child agrees to give after-school football a go, then comes home declaring they hate it, never to return.


If this happens, don’t just leave it at that. Suggest other activities that they might enjoy. If they don’t like football, maybe they’ll enjoy basketball or hockey, or something less competitive, like Zumba for kids.


Practice what you preach


We know we say this a lot but it can’t be stressed enough: kids don’t take their lead from what you say, but from what you do.


That’s why it’s so important for your child to see you leading an active life. Sure, you’re time and energy-poor, but even if you just go for a walk around the block after dinner, or take the dog out for a stroll, that’s beneficial.


It’ll teach your little one that exercise is something to try and fit into everyday life. And if you come back looking like you enjoyed yourself, even better!


Fit it into family days out



Kill two birds with one stone at the weekends. The next time you take the kids to the beach, bring a beach ball and get a game going on the sand.


If you’re having a picnic at the park at the weekend, don’t make it all about sitting around. Bring the scooters or the skates (including your own!) and get moving.


Make it incidental too


Back in the day, parents didn’t need to worry about getting their kids up and about. It just happened. That’s not so much the case anymore.


But you can still get your kids exercising without thinking about it too much. For instance, instead of driving them to school, why not walk them there now and again when the weather’s nice? If you’ve got a dog, get your child to walk it with you.


If you’re going to the supermarket for just a few light items, suggest you and your child cycle there instead.


Make it fun



You know kids: if something is dull and boring, they won’t want to do it.


With that in mind, try to make exercise seem fun. If you bring them along on a walk, talk to them about what they’re interested in. It doesn’t matter if you have no idea what computer game they’re talking about, or which ‘friend’ they’re having a rant over.


Also, don't forget lesser-known forms of exercise. Trampolining is a great way to get your kids active, and what child in the world turns their nose up at the chance to bounce up and down?!


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