Sometimes it seems like kids argue with us just for the sake of it! Seriously.


Whether it's to do with bedtime, playtime or any other time, they question your reasoning, beg for a few more seconds, and even downright stamp their foot and refuse to do what you want. 


If you are lucky enough to have a, eh, sweet little seven-, eight-, nine-year-old at home, you are bound to recall having at least one of these arguments with them:


1. The skid marks on the toilet bowl


You: "Who's going to clean that up now?"

Child: "You."

You: "I am not - here's the toilet brush."

Child: "I'm not touching THAT..."



2. Keeping warm


You: "It's cold outside, you need to wear a coat."

Child: "No. It doesn't go with my Spiderman outfit." 

You: "Nobody is even looking at you."

Child: “But it looks WEIRD, Mum!”



3. Bedtime reading


You: “It’s time to turn off the light!

Child: “Just TEN more minutes, please. PLEASE!!”

You: “No, it’s getting late.”

Child: “But I’ve only have like a few seconds to read...”

You: “It’s been 30 minutes.”



4. Eating dinner


You: “That was not a big enough bite.”

Child: “But it looks big to me”

You: "It's not."

Child: "It is."



5. Toilet breaks


You: “You DO need to go to the toilet.”

Child: “No I don’t” (despite the fact that they are doing the toilet dance as you speak...).



6. The ten second rule


You: “The ten second rule does not apply when you drop it in muck.”

Child: “But WHY not?!”

You: "Because it's dirty."

Child: "But I WANT to eat it."



SHARE if you can relate to at least one of these arguments! 


