8 fun ways to celebrate World Book Day with your little one

Today is World Book Day, and it is the perfect opportunity to instil a love of all things literary in your little ones. 

There are so many ways to encourage your kiddies to love reading, that don't necessarily involve reading. 

Check out these eight fun ways to celebrate World Book Day with your little one 

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1. Write letters to characters

We are obsessed with this adorable idea. Sit down with your little ones and help them write letters to their favourite book characters. So cute! 

2. Bake your story 

Combining reading and baked goods? Need we say more? Get creative, and bake some of your kid's favourite characters into life. 

3. Dress up 

An age-old World Book Day tradition involves getting into costume, and dressing up as well known character from a story. How fun?

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4. Watch the movie

Do your kids have a favourite book that happens to also be a film? Why not have a cosy movie night, featuring some brilliant stories. 

5. Create a reading nook 

Encourage your kiddies to get cosy by creating a fun little reading fort. Think about where in your home could be a fun place for your kids to get lost in a good story. 


6. Put on a play

World Book Day is the perfect excuse to get active, so why not help your kids put on a production of their favourite book? These memories will last a lifetime. 

7. Write a story

Do you have a little budding author in your midst? Let the little one's imagination come to life, by writing a story. 

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8. Make bookmarks 

We love crafts! Create fun and personalised book marks, that will have your children super excited to crack open a good book. 

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