Do you find school mornings to be too hectic? Are you always rushing out the door in a desperate hurray to get the kids to school? Here are 8 ways you can ease the madness of school mornings.
Get things done the night before
Do as much as you can before you go to bed the night before, including packing the school bag, preparing lunch boxes and having their clothes picked out and ready.
Forgo 15 minutes of sleep
If you get up 15 minutes before the rest of the family, you’ll have time to get yourself ready without having to worry about the kids. By giving yourself that little bit of extra time, even if it just means enjoying a cup of coffee, you’ll be much more efficient at getting the kids together.
Have a solid routine
Have your child do everything - brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast - in the same order every morning. If there are extra jobs that need doing, then help your child put together a to-do list and have them check off each item.
Children will argue over who does what job so instead of letting them decide among themselves, give each child their own jobs, eg one child can clear the table and one child can feed the pet.
Prepare for breakfast the night before
The night before, lay out cereal boxes, bowls and spoons on the table.
Do not turn on the TV
Many families will be used to having a tv on in the morning, but watching cartoons will be a distraction and children will take much longer to eat and get ready.
If you are tense in the mornings, your child will notice it which will make mornings much more stressful. Instead of nagging your children to get ready, have them race each other to see who is ready first.
Have strict bedtimes
If your child is slow to get up, make their bedtime earlier so they are more alert in the mornings.

