Little Gracie Hadden has an incredibly special bond with her father. Although she was adopted by Marc Hadden and his wife, Marc was present at her birth, in fact, he delivered her!


Marc was a firefighter who was called to help a woman with severe abdominal pain in his hometown in South Carolina. When he arrived he realised the woman was pregnant and going into labour. With the help of a paramedic, Marc helped deliver little Gracie in the back of an ambulance.


After the birth, Marc discovered the little girl was being put up for adoption and thought it was a sign as he and his wife had hoped to have more children but were unable to conceive.


Now Gracie, aged five, has revisited the ambulance where she was born with her dad for the first time, according to Inside Edition.


Her dad who has since retired filled her in on what had taken place that night. “Right here in this very spot is where I held you for the very first time. How cool is that?” he asked.



He added: "Gracie and I just have a major bond."


After the little girl’s birth, he told wife Beth what had just happened. “He sent a text message saying, ‘I just delivered a baby,’ and I was so excited for him," Beth Hadden recalled. "I was like, ‘Oh, did we get to keep her!?’ literally joking around at that point, and he said, ‘Well, I don't know.'"


When they learned Gracie was actually up for adoption, they decided to adopt her. Two days later, Marc and Beth had adopted Gracie and brought her home to her big brothers, Will and Parker.


Marc says the family “love Gracie to pieces.”  The doting dad added: “I never envisioned actually having a daughter. We are truly blessed, that’s for sure.”


The family say Gracie has “a quiet spirit” and loves playing with her big brothers. The little girl knows exactly what happened on the night of her birth. “I was born in an ambulance,” she said proudly. “My daddy delivered me.”


