Sometimes all mums need is a little understanding.


We’ve all been there at one point or another – our hands are full trying to get the shop done when all of a sudden our little one has a mega tantrum. Suddenly we’re red-faced and running to the till while simultaneously trying to calm our child down and grab the remainder of the shopping.


On days like that we just want to have a little cry, right?


So when this happened to one Aussie mum in her local ALDI store, a simple but lovely gesture from a staff member turned everything around.


“My 3 year old son, decided he would have a full blown meltdown,” wrote mum Ashley Holmes in a heartfelt Facebook post. “Totally lost his marbles! Screaming fit, tantrum. I had my 6 year old son with me too and a full trolley of groceries so I couldn't just do that ‘Drop & Run’ that, let's face it, all us parents have done once or twice in our parenting years.”



According to Ashley many customers were whispering and glaring, which only added to her stress and discomfort. And when her son refused to settle down, she quickly made her way to the register, paid and ran to the car.


However, unbeknownst to her, a gesture of kindness was about to make her feel SO much better.


“In complete exhaustion, embarrassment and utter disappointment, a lady in an ALDI uniform came walking towards me. I thought ‘argh, what now’?” wrote Ashley. “BUT, she handed me a beautiful bunch of yellow roses from the store, and said, ‘we thought you deserved these, I hope your day gets better, and please don't be embarrassed, we understand’ and gave me a hug!”


That simple gesture made Ashley’s day, and turned a stressful experience into a positive one.


“That gesture, honestly brought me to tears,” she wrote. “That was so beautiful. I wanted to just show my honest appreciation for that gesture. For the total NON judgement. For the support, and not whispering about my total lack of control over my child. So, THANK YOU!!!!!”



Wonderful! All it takes is the smallest gesture of understanding and compassion to make us feel like we’re not alone. Kudos to this kind lady for knowing what this mum needed!


SHARE if you think kindness makes the world go round!


