All children lie occasionally, because they don’t fully understand what the truth is.
Children will also tell fibs to avoid the “inconvenience” of their parent’s rules or to hide what they’ve done to dodge adult disapproval.
According to Supernanny, young children live in a “fantasy” world, so deception is not their end game.
However, older children should well have learned the difference between the truth and a lie by age six.
But how do you KNOW when they are lying?
1. Avoiding eye contact
Often, your child will just want to get away from you as soon as possible to avoid being grilled, so will be looking for the nearest escape exit.
2. Fidgeting
If lying is their usual reflex, fidgeting will show they are uncomfortable talking about the subject they are being grilled on
3. Over exaggerating or bragging
If things don’t quite add up or sound a little far-fetched, chances are they are lying. Trust your instincts.
4. Rambling
Rambling stories is a sign your child is trying to think fast, and not being completely honest.
5. Raised voice
Actions speak louder than words. If your child is becoming increasingly excited about the situation and raising their voice, chances are you need to dig deeper to find the truth.
6. Defensive
We all act defensively when we think our integrity is in question but if your child is acting defensively, and you suspect they are not being honest - they are obviously feeling threatened signalling something isn’t quite right.
7. Odd behaviours
As a mother you know your child best, if you think your child is acting oddly chances are your child is hiding something.