As all mums know, our gorgeous babies grow up far too fast. It seems like one minute we’re holding their tiny chubby hands as we cross the street, and the next they’re in secondary school, grappling with their newfound “independence”.


So when we saw this beautiful video called “Slow Down” by US singer Nicole Nordeman – which basically encapsulates exactly what it means to raise a child – we were holding back the tears. Yes, we’re self-confessed soppy messes, but trust us, you won’t be able to stop yourselves for crying either – seriously!


Here’s to you / Every missing tooth / Every bedtime story / Here’s to Barbie cars/ Lightsaber wars / Sleeping in on Sunday / Please don’t roll your eyes at me / I know I’m embarrassing / But someday you’ll understand / You’ll hold a little hand


See. Utterly gorgeous. And if the lyrics weren’t enough, the gorgeous montage of kids growing up (too fast obvs) has well and truly set us over the edge.


What we love about his video is how perfectly it shows how precious life is, and how we should slow down and appreciate every little moment.





Did you have a little cry watching this? Go on, tell us – we’re all friends here!


SHARE if you found this video totally touching!


