10 stupid things that always stress me out

Last updated: 04/02/2016 13:48 by MumAtWork to MumAtWork's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers

I'll be the first to admit that there are many, many things in this life which cause me untold stress; health worries, mortgage repayments and my inability to tell left from right when navigating for my husband, but these pale in comparison to some other things which make my blood boil.

Every day I am confronted with numerous things which rub me up the wrong way, and even though I know my thoughts are irrational, I've yet to learn how to curb them.

Oh, and don't get me wrong, I don't expect ANYONE to understand my irritation at certain things and in much the same way I roll my eyes at my husband when he reveals his own personal grievances, I don't expect you to do any different while perusing mine.

Still, I'll press on and reveal all.

1. Loops inside clothes

You know those thin loops they sew on the inside of clothes so you can hang the item with more efficiency and therefore wear it with greater aplomb?

Yeah, I hate those and cut them out of every garment I own.

2. People who say 'Euros'

When the Euro currency was first introduced, I remember broadcasters going to great lengths to ensure we all knew that there was no need to pluralise the name. One euro, ten euro, twenty euro...

And yet some people paid no heed and now everyones thinks both are acceptable which of course they are NOT.

3. Shop assistants who ignore me

No, I may not be looking for help as such, but I am standing directly in front of you, ready to part with some hard-earned cash and yet the riveting story of last night's puke-inducing escapades takes precedence.

Don't mind me, I'll just make myself useful by idly toying with the gift card stand while you fill your co-worker in.

4. Pyjama with matching tops

Coming across a pair of pyjamas that sit comfortably past my ankles is the holy grail as a tall woman, but why must they always be accompanied by a shapeless T-shirt my mum wouldn't even wear?

I'm starting a petition for more separates.

5.The rising inflection

People who speak like everything is a question. “I went to the coffee shop? And got a latte? And it just wasn't great?”

Good, you deserved it.

6. Rain in all its forms

I hate it with a passion.

As a glasses wearer and a woman with a natural kink in her thin hair, rain can turn me from relatively presentable-looking to someone who looks like they slept in a skip and can't put one foot in front of the other.

7. Airline sales

Hearing that an airline is holding a sale makes me break out in a sweat and I find myself desperately scouring their website looking for the cheapest flight to a place I dont wan't to go, but feel I should because “OMG THEY'RE HAVING A SALE”

That's great, but actually I'm good right here.

8. Women with perfect hair

I know, I know – We should celebrate each other triumphs and instead of harbouring jealousy use our envy for good, but that's just a no-go on this front.

I will never have long, thick, lusturous hair, and for those women who naturally do? I'm sorry but you cause me untold stress.

9. Selective hearing

Oh, you don't hear me saying the bins need to be brought out or we're out of milk, but you've no problem hearing the expletive I muttered under my breath.

You're fooling no one.

10. Speed bumps

I wholeheartedly support their purpose and applaud areas which position them with our children's safety in mind, but that doesn't stop my teeth from clattering every time I take one.

It doesn't matter how slow I go or how prepared I am, each and every speed bump I cross will give me a horrible whooshing feeling in my stomach and a slight headahce behind my eyes.

eSolution: Sheology
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