10 thoughts I had about my daughter's first official date

Last updated: 15/09/2015 13:47 by TheZookeeper to TheZookeeper's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
My 13-year-old daughter went on her first official date last Saturday evening.

Despite her father’s outright horror and my initial reluctance, we finally relented and allowed Rebecca to meet a boy from her class outside of the school grounds.

Under the watchful eye of her older brother who was dispatched to keep an eye on his younger sister from a nearby booth, Rebecca met with her young suitor in the buzzing atmosphere created by our local American-style diner.

I’ll be honest here, when Rebecca initially broached the subject I felt my nostrils flaring in the same manner they do when I hear my teen son allude to sex and celebrities with his peers.

“He doesn’t even know what he’s talking about,“ I’ll tell myself, determined to ignore the phrases and terms bandied around which make me think he’s knows a lot more than I care to admit.

“You’re doing your weird nostril thing, Mum,” Rebecca told me with a roll of her eyes.

“No, I’m not. This is just what I look like, I faltered.

“Well, can I go or not?”

“Have you asked your father?” I queried.

“Don’t answer a question with a question, she parroted at me, reminding me of the numerous times I chastised her for doing the same thing.

To cut a long story short, Rebecca was allowed to go under the proviso her older sibling was nearby (but not close enough to embarrass her), she was dropped to the venue by me and collected no more than 90 minutes later by her father.

Accepting the conditions, Rebecca set about planning and preparing for her big night out while I fretted about everything from teen pregnancy to diner etiquette.

When Rebecca eventually arrived into the hall on Saturday evening twenty minutes before we were due to leave, my stomach did a somersault and I tried desperately to hide my emotion.

Here are just ten thoughts that raced through my mind as Rebecca nervously fumbled with the zip on her small satchel and pulled at the hem of her skirt.

1. Why are you pulling at the hem of your skirt?

Believe me, if it was too short you wouldn’t be wearing it.

2. What’s in that bag?

All she needs is her phone and a tenner, so what’s she hiding?

3. That boy better know how damn lucky he is this evening.

If he‘s not nervously pacing his own front hall right now, he’s not worth it.

4. That mascara is too heavy.

She’s trying me here, I know it.

5. I can see the outline of her bra.

It’s like she wants me to call the whole thing off.

6. My earrings do look better on her.

She was right.

7. Why is she so incredibly nervous?

What’s actually happening tonight?

8. What if her and her brother are in on this together and they’re not going to stay in the diner at all?

I didn’t think this through.

9. How is that child’s hair so glossy?

She didn’t get that from me…or her father.

10. This is it.

She’ll never be fully mine ever again.

eSolution: Sheology
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