10 thoughts that run through my head while grocery shopping

Last updated: 03/12/2015 16:38 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
I'm not a huge fan of shopping in general, and going for groceries is definitley not my idea of a Saturday afternoon well spent. 
But needs must and every weekend, armed with a list and a clear map of the grocery store in my head, I throw my bags in the boot and head off on my merry way. 
And every week, without fail, the same thoughts run through my head as I wander around picking up items for next week's dinners. 
From delight and pride to fear and shame, doing the grocery shop is like a rollercaoster of emotions...
1. “Trolley’s looking good and healthy”
For the first five minutes I give myself a pat on the back as I wander through the fruit aisle.
2. “Oh look, it’s on sale AND it’s still before its best before date”
I know I don’t need it, you know I don’t need it, but still it goes in trolley.
3. “I’ll make the sauce from scratch next week”
Every week, without fail, I say this...
4. “I hope I don’t bump into anyone I know”
Thought while avoiding eye contact as much as possible... Next week I'll totally wear something stylish...
5. “This will come in handy”
Usually said while standing in front of a GIANT tub of family-sized sauce...
6. “Why can’t my trolley look like their one...”
Yes, I have shopping trolley envy – it’s an actually thing, right?!
7.  “I hope nobody looks in the trolley”
Muttered as I exit the wonderful biscuit aisle...
8. “Why can’t they do the fruit section last”
That way I could hide all my sweets under a pile of bananas.
9. “I knew I should have had lunch before I started”
Whilst gazing at the hot food counter...
10. “Please don’t let there be a queue..”
There is always a queue...
Mary Byrne is Deputy Editor at MummyPages and is mum to a horse-crazy, sports-mad, eight-year-old girl.
eSolution: Sheology
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