My daughter is one very lucky little girl

Last updated: 21/05/2015 17:31 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
My daughter is a very lucky little girl and I don’t think she realises it.
When I say lucky, I don’t mean in terms of getting clothes or all the toys that her heart desires (not even close), but rather that she is lucky in the incredible relationship she has with her grandparents.
Growing up I myself had the pleasure of knowing my grandmother and grandfather on my dad’s side, and I vividly remember going to their house every Sunday or studying there when I got a little older.
And while my mum’s parents were gone before I was born, I still felt a sense of privilege knowing what it was like to have close contact with the older generation.
My daughter is so blessed in ways I know she won’t be able to appreciate until she is much, much older. In fact, her relationship is so deep, her grandparents’ house has become her second and third home. She plays football and Camogie in the garden with one granddad while the other introduces her to things like beekeeping, that she never would have experienced if it wasn’t for him.
Both of her grandmothers spoil and cherish her and between them they have taught her so much about life, love and happiness that it’s hard to put down in words. And of course, when she plays a match, they are all there cheering her on.
But that’s not all - she also has an incredibly strong bond with her extended family. Great-aunts and great-uncles, aunts and uncles and cousins all play a huge part in her life.
When you are young and naive, family is something that you take for granted; you just assume they will always be there and that you will always have them.
But, sadly, most of us have gone through enough life experience to know that this is not the case, and when I look at the incredible bond my daughter has created with hers, it’s hard for my heart not to melt a little. 
Mary Byrne is a staff writer at MummyPages and mum to a horse-crazy, sports-mad, seven-year-old girl.
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